
Educating the next generation on the importance of recycling!

64% of Australians want more information on what can and can’t be recycled, with 48% admitting they find recycling at home confusing.



According to research published in April 2022 by ARL consumer insights, 64% of Australians want more information on what can and can’t be recycled, with 48% admitting they find recycling at home confusing.

To help educate the next generation on the importance of recycling, we partnered up with Kurnell Public Primary School to highlight how important recycling is for our environment, and how it benefits our local community. Our team attended and led an assembly to over 250 students, and all the young recyclers were very engaged throughout. We hosted a colouring competition with the pupils to keep recycling at the forefront of their minds.

Pupils from every year entered the competition and we struggled to pick our 4 winners from the quality entrants. The winners were presented with goodie bags and vouchers by Damien for their great efforts.

We also discussed the next stage of the Marang Parklands in Kurnell, along with changes to our resource recovery facility. This will see us convert 42 hectares of land into community open space. Which includes rehabilitation and creation of new parkland, walking tracks, parking, lookouts, and other amenities.

To continue our support to the school we have now launched our own internal initiative, where we have a number of purple bins on site for our employees and customers to empty their unwanted plastic bottles, cans etc. This scheme is in line with the governments purple bin ‘Shire Earn and Return’ initiative, in which the containers are recycled which would have otherwise ended up in landfill. Every container we collect, will produce 10 cents, which we will be donating to the school to allow them to continue their extracurricular activities with the children. The funds will go towards their Green Team school garden, helping biodiversity in the area and the chicken farm.



Ms Jo Graham, Principal at Kurnell Public School commented ‘We are very grateful for Breen for coming into our school and talking to the children about the importance of recycling. The feedback from the teaches and pupils was very positive and the uptake in the colouring competition was phenomenal. The continued support from Breen really shows how much they care for the local community and want to push the recycling agenda and improve the local community. A lot of our pupils and teachers also didn’t know of the Marang Parklands project, so that also left a buzz in the school for the rest of the day’.

Damien Vella, CEO Breen Resources added: ‘It was a pleasure to attend Kurnell School to talk to the students, teachers and parents about recycling and the new Marang Parklands project. The excitement on the students and teachers faces when talking about the new Parklands, just confirmed the importance to why we are doing this for the community. We hope our employees and customers make use of the purple bins on site to help keep supporting the school and community’.

Please email Lisa Chapman for more information lisa@breen.com.au

For further information on the Marang Parklands project, click here.



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